A Secret to Keep Your Pet Happy Throughout the Festive Season

9th November 2020


“When I look into the eyes of an animal, I do not see an animal. I see a living being. I see a friend. I feel a soul.” A.D. Williams 

The festive season is around the corner. In no time the markets will be flooded with vibrant decorative items, desserts and assortments, thoughtful gifts, and not to forget firecrackers. While people will be decorating their places and lighting firecrackers, almost all the pet lovers would be making efforts to soothe their four-legged friends. 


Well, pets, especially dogs, do suffer anxiety, panic attacks or an imbalanced mental state with fire crackling. According to a report by VetMed, around 20 to 40% of dogs are scared of loud noises or screams including – fire crackling, thunder, etc. This triggers PD (panic disorder) or canine panic disorder in dogs changing their mental state and behaviour instantly. 

Unusual noise or fire crackling irritates pets (dogs and cats) the most. Many veterinarians say after ageing and separation from the owner, it is one of the most common types of fears a pet, especially a pooch goes through. If your furry friend hears loud noises for long, it may result in – 

  1. Constant howling or barking even when the owner tries to calm the pet 
  2. Extreme shivering, unusual than the winter shivers 
  3. Panting 
  4. Getting aggressive 
  5. Moving here and there 
  6. Self-harming 
  7. Digging 
  8. Destroying furniture and other nearby kept items 

What makes dogs get scared of firecrackers?

Dogs consider firecrackers as a threat. Unexpected and unpredicted loud noises of firecrackers make them numb while triggering their fight-or-flight responses immediately. This means, either your canine will bark at the firecrackers or may hide to escape the noise. 

How to calm your pooch while fire crackling?

At once, you may fear your dog behaving unusually. This may make a newbie pet owner maintain distance from the pet, but that’s not how it should be. Instead, canines need you the most during this time. Many experienced veterinarians at https://cbddoghealth.com/ suggest to hug your pooch, make them feel comfortable and safe in your arms for a while. If not this, engage them in a play, talk to them, or feed them their favourite meals. 

What is the other way to calm canines when scared of firecrackers and unusual noises?

Surprisingly, Statista reveals that in 2019, more than 48% of the pet owners purchased CBD oils and other CBD-enriched items for their canines. This shouts out of the eminence of CBD products for pets. CBD helps calm and heal the mental state of aggressive pets who often witness anxiety issues. 

Which dog breeds are prone to panic attacks and anxiety?

However, all dog breeds are scared of firecrackers and thunderstorms, yet there are exceptions too. 

  1. Toy breeds 
  2. Australian and German Shepherds
  3. Vizsla 
  4. King Charles Spaniel 
  5. Labrador Retriever 
  6. Havanese 
  7. Bichon Frise 
  8. Greyhounds 
  9. Border Collie 
  10. Cocker Spaniel 

Key takeaway – 

Dogs do require care and concern. They are more like human kids having sensitive skin and nature. Resulting, pet owners need to understand their four-legged friend’s behaviour, needs, and everything to keep them safe and happy. Pets don’t like thunderstorms and firecrackers noise which triggers anxiety issues in them. Here, CBD works as the best remedy for healing their behaviour in no time. 

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