7 Proven Ways to Help Calm Your Anxious Dog

26th July 2021

Anxiety is the second most common mental disorder all over the world. You might be surprised to know that anxiety is not just a human trait but can affect animals as well. There have been a lot of studies conducted on dogs that have anxiety, which usually ends up stemming from being left behind by their owners. This can also stem from improper care, neglect, and a bad environment. 

Humans show anxiety with certain symptoms such as heart palpitations, excessive sweating, high blood pressure, and fidgeting. Dogs and other animals can show symptoms of anxiety by portraying unhealthy behaviours. If your dog is suddenly barking, biting, or even chewing on anything in their sight, they might have anxiety. Anxiety is a neurotic disorder and has the potential to be cured, but in certain situations, it can only be managed. It is important to understand your dog and the reason behind their behaviours so that you can provide them with optimal care. 

Even shivering and whimpering are signs of anxiety in dogs. It is important to determine whether this anxiety for them is a consequence of abuse, loud noises, being left alone a lot, or abandonment. We have curated 7 proven ways that can be quite effective in helping you alleviate your dog’s anxiety.

Make sure that your dog gets its exercise

Dogs have a tendency to have separation anxiety. This is when they experience anxiety symptoms when they are left alone by their owner. This can be due to previous bad experiences that they have encountered in their lives. Since it is not possible to be with your dog all the time, it is vital that you as a dog owner make sure that they get an ample amount of exercise. Exercise for your dog can help provide mental stimulation and can even give you a great way of bonding with each other.

 If your bond grows, chances are that they will start trusting you more and feel less insecure. Anxiety is something that causes an excess of energy. It is important for your dog to find a way to take this energy out so that at the end of the day they can relax. Take them out for playing fetch or even for a long walk before you leave. This can help them in relieving their stress since exercise also produces endorphins in the body.

Give them adequate physical contact

An anxious dog will always crave a safe and secure touch to make them feel loved. The owner’s touch is better than anything for them. It provides them with reassurance that they are loved and not alone. It is vital that you try to identify the various signs of anxiety that your dog shows and try to nip it in the bud as soon as you can. This can be done by cuddling them, stroking their head, picking them up, or even just giving them a good petting session.

Massages can be quite relaxing

As we all know, massages are a great way of relieving stress and anxiety, even with a highly stressed-out person. You might be astonished to know that this is something that works wonders for dogs as well. Massage therapy is great for relaxing tensed-up muscles and for alleviating tension. You can give your dog a massage by starting at the neck and working downward. Make sure you use long strokes as that is proven to be quite relaxing for dogs. Keep one hand on the dog while the other moves around to massage them. After a period of time, you can understand where your dog holds their tension so that you can work more on that area.

Mentally stimulate them

If your dog is anxious, they probably have a lot of excess energy inside of them. If they are still not tired after their walk, you can start trying out new techniques. One way is to try teaching them new tricks. If they are busy learning new tricks, they can easily get distracted from their anxiety. Another way to stimulate them is to get unique dog toys that will keep them busy for hours on end. Make sure that your dog is stimulated enough and doesn’t end up getting bored and anxious. 

Try music therapy

A ton of studies have shown that music therapy can prove to be quite beneficial, not only for humans but also for dogs and cats. You can try putting on some relaxing classical music whenever your dog starts showing severe symptoms of anxiety. This is proven to help them calm down, and you can use this technique at home, in the car, or even when you are leaving your pet alone. If your dog is extra sensitive to noise, this can help them quite a lot by blocking the sound out. Harp music can actually act as a natural sedative for your pet in case they get too hyper.

Calming T-shirts

Calming t-shirts are specifically designed to apply constant but mild pressure to your pet’s torse. This can easily be compared to a swaddling cloth that you put on a baby. Any dog that has anxiety induced by separation, strangers, noises, or travel can benefit a lot from this technique. There are many different sizes and brands that you can choose from, based on the size and needs of your dog.

Try alternative therapies

If none of this ends up working for you, maybe it is time to start using alternative therapies to help your dog. There are certain supplements they can take in the form of treats to help them calm down. You can also give them aromatherapy since Lavender is widely known to help in relieving stress. You can even try CBD for dogs after proper dosage recommendations from your vet. Homeopathic remedies might also be a good option for some dogs.

Dealing with anxiety is not an easy task, especially when you can not speak to someone about it. Look after your pet well and help them battle their anxiety in order to come out stronger on the other side.

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