5 Motivation Tips for Adults With ADHD

16th November 2022


Although people living with ADHD are often hyperactive as part of the condition, that doesn’t always mean they are motivated. There is a huge difference between being restless and being productive. Restlessness and an inability to sit still often leads to erratic activity rather than anything useful.

This article is going to focus on motivational tips for adults with ADHD, along with how harnessing that energy and the urge to do something can help you in the employment market. These tips can apply to successfully holding down a job, as well as navigating through everyday life.

#1 – Set Small Goals

Large goals can be daunting for anyone and even more so for people who are living with ADHD. Setting smaller goals that don’t feel overwhelming is much easier to manage than trying to achieve one huge goal.

Break a larger goal down into smaller, faster to accomplish chunks. This will give you something achievable you can focus your attention on and you’ll still be chipping away at the larger goal as you go.

#2 – Create a List of Tasks

Whether it’s at work or at home, creating a ‘to do’ list gives you something tangible you can focus on. It also keeps the mind aligned with what has to be done and can help to create a sense of both peace and purpose.

It’s similar to setting small goals, as each task on the list is generally very achievable. The list also serves as a reminder so you don’t forget anything and will motivate you to get things done.

#3 – Find a Job Or Career That You’re Truly Suited to

One of the greatest challenges faced by adults with ADHD is not only finding a job but also holding down a job for a lengthy period of time. As people with ADHD can easily get bored with repetitive and mundane tasks and lose focus, this can sometimes lead to either leaving a job or being let go by an employer.

It’s important for anyone who has been diagnosed with ADHD to seek work they are suited to. Many people with ADHD find success working in busy environments like hospitality, creative fields where the tasks are varied and interesting and even the healthcare industry.

Getting a job or career in allied health can be one of the best choices for ADHD sufferers. This field encompasses a large variety of different roles and the way to get started is by completing the Certificate III In Allied Health Assistance course.

There are numerous jobs and industries where people who have ADHD can thrive. It’s a matter of finding work that plays to a person’s strengths and minimises their weaknesses. Positions in sales and marketing, the education sector, science and technology and the construction industry are also good options.

#4 – Change Up Your Routine

One thing most people living with ADHD tend to despise is repetitive tasks, doing the exact same thing over and over again. Although it’s always good to have some structure, if you find your daily routine becoming repetitive and somewhat of a grind, it’s ultimately going to affect your motivation. Now is the time to make some changes and mix things up a little.

Even small changes can make a difference, such as reversing the order of certain tasks, or doing certain chores on a different day of the week or at a different time of the day.

Anything that breaks the monotony will help improve motivation. So, if you find yourself struggling with your routine, it’s time to change it around a little.

#5 – Spend Time In Nature

Whether it’s a hike in the mountains, going to the beach, sitting at the edge of a lake or taking a walk through the local park, it’s been shown that spending some time in nature helps to reduce the symptoms of ADHD.

When you return to the urban world after a spell in nature, your mind will be more relaxed and refreshed and you’ll be more ready to tackle any work or errands that need to be done.

In Conclusion

People with ADHD are not lazy but the condition can cause motivation and direction problems at times. Add some structure to your day, make changes as necessary and target job roles that play to your strengths and a lack of motivation won’t be a major problem.

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