What Questions Should I Ask at Parents’ Evening?

1st October 2023

Parents’ evening is an invaluable opportunity to gain insight into your child’s progress, strengths, and areas that may need extra support. It’s a chance to have a meaningful conversation with your child’s teacher and establish a collaborative approach to their education. Here are some essential questions to consider asking during parents’ evening.

How is my child doing academically?

This is a broad but crucial question. Ask about your child’s performance in specific subjects, their strengths, and areas that may need improvement. Inquire about any notable achievements or challenges they’ve faced.

What are my child’s strengths and weaknesses?

Understanding your child’s strengths allows you to nurture and encourage them further. Knowing their weaknesses enables you to provide additional support and resources in those areas. This private school in Essex uses parents’ evenings as an opportunity to pinpoint where your child could improve exactly with actionable advice.

What is my child’s attitude towards learning?

Ask about your child’s attitude in the classroom. Are they enthusiastic about learning, curious, and engaged? Understanding their attitude towards education can help you tailor your support at home.

Is my child meeting developmental milestones?

For younger children, it’s important to discuss whether they are reaching age-appropriate developmental milestones. This includes areas like language development, fine and gross motor skills, and social-emotional growth.

How can I support my child’s learning at home?

Teachers often have valuable insights into how you can complement classroom learning at home. Ask for specific recommendations, resources, or activities that can enhance your child’s educational experience.

Are there any behavioural concerns?

If your child is exhibiting certain behaviours, it’s important to address them early. Ask the teacher if there are any specific concerns about your child’s behaviour in the classroom and how you can work together to address them.

What can I do to foster a love for reading and learning?

Developing a love for reading and learning sets a strong foundation for academic success. Ask for suggestions on age-appropriate books, educational games, or activities that can nurture this love at home.

How can we work together to address any challenges my child may be facing?

Collaboration between parents and teachers is key to a child’s success. Ask how you can work together to address any challenges your child may be facing, whether they are academic, behavioural, or social.

Remember, open and honest communication is essential during parents’ evening. Don’t hesitate to share any concerns or observations you have about your child’s education. Together, you and the teacher can create a supportive and enriching learning environment for your child.

This is a collaborative post.

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