Understanding the Pre-Prep Curriculum

6th April 2023

For children aged 3 to 4 years old, pre-prep school offers lots of interesting learning opportunities and a chance at structured learning. Unlike a normal reception, pre-prep schools are run by private fee-paying schools and offer a broad range of subjects as a part of their curriculum. This can make for a much smoother transition to prep, or primary school, later down the line. A private school in Cheshire shares details of what children are expected to learn during these early years.

The Curriculum

Children of course will spend their time at pre-prep school learning and perfecting the basics by working on their phonics, reading, and writing. In addition, they will be introduced to subjects like Science, PSHE, Music and Art and have a diverse and varied timetable. Other subjects that they may have the opportunity to learn include a modern foreign language such as French or Mandarin and a sport like swimming.

What Else Children Learn at Pre-Prep School

Outside of their schedule of work, children are expected to take up leadership roles at this young age and are given the opportunity to act as classroom monitors.

How Lessons Are Delivered

There are various ways in which these learning objectives are achieved. Children are encouraged to take part in school plays, and the forest school and join school trips where they can broaden their horizons and learn through real-life applications. They will also cultivate an improved understanding of the world around them.

These are just a few of the things that your child will learn about and will be given the chance to explore. There is far more that they will cover than at a regular reception and it can give them a really good start to their education. If you are in the process of looking for a pre-prep school for your child, we urge you to have a look at the specific curriculum that they follow as this varies from school to school.

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