Top Items You Should Always Have in Your Car

27th February 2019

We are so used to hopping in the car and zipping about here there and everywhere but we rarely think about what we actually need. As horrible as it is to think about, what would happen if you broke down and got stuck somewhere? You should be prepared for such an event, just in case. While we all know to have our insurance details and a spare tire, here are some of the things you might not have thought of. Let’s take a look at some of the things it is always handy to keep in the car.

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A Portable Charger

Many people nowadays have some sort of charger which plugs into their car either through an AUX cable or even the cigarette lighter depending on how old your car is. However, this will be no use to you if the engine won’t switch on. Instead, invest in a portable charger and pop it in the glovebox for safe keeping. That way, you know that you will have power and a way of keeping your phone on no matter how long you are stuck for.

A Torch

Yes, modern phones now have a torch, but if you are stuck somewhere then you really don’t want to waste your phone battery. What’s more, a torch is significantly easier to hold than a phone and will no doubt save the day; even if it is just your house key disappearing under a seat. Choose an old-fashioned crank style if you are worried about the batteries going flat.

A First Aid Kit

This is a must, even if it never has to get used. Just a Tupperware-sized box of basic medical supplies like antiseptic wipes and plasters could be all it takes. Brands like MFASCO even off ready-made first aid kits for you to just sling in your glovebox and go. You might never have to use it yourself but you could easily bump into someone who desperately needs it. It is the ultimate contingency plan and you should always have one within easy reach in your vehicle.

A Change of Clothes

An absolute must if you have little ones in the family but this could equally apply to you too. If you have room, try to have a spare set of clothes for everyone in the family plus a blanket or two. Imagine you are all caught in the rain and soaked through. Rather than face a miserable drive home and a wait to dry off, you can quickly dry off and change in the car and set off in much better spirits. It is a small thing but it could easily change your day around.

No matter what you decide to do, it is clear that preparation is key. There is no such thing as overpreparation and you can never predict when you might need any of these items. Make sure you have all of them and you should be ready to take on whatever life on the road can throw at you!

This is a collaborative post.

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