Tips to Consume Edibles Efficiently for a Better Experience

5th July 2022

CBD has quickly become a star in the holistic and medical healthcare industries, and the reasons are pretty obvious. In the last decade, we have seen a rapid expansion of the studies and research conducted that study the effectiveness of cannabidiol and terpenes found in cannabis and marijuana respectively.

Conclusive evidence found was able to uncover the health benefits of these herbs and debunk several myths, making them two of the powerhouse ingredients of experimental medicine and holistic healthcare. Today, apart from the recreational use of these ingredients, you’ll find them in several forms to be used by consumers. One such form of consuming them is edibles, which is apt for medical cases as well as recreation. But how can one use them efficiently for the right effects? Let’s find out with the tips given below!

  1. Read the package instructions: This goes without saying that a customer needs to make sure they know what the composition and contents of their edibles package are. For starters, it will help you get an idea about the concentration of the main ingredient, which could be THC or CBD as per your purchase. Please keep in mind to check the ideal dosage mentioned by the brand and stick to it. If you feel like the individual dose amount is too low or high as per your tolerance, check with expert resources online to make sure you’re on the right side of the information.
  1. Start with a small dose: When trying out a new brand or an edible for the first time, make sure to take it easy. Start with a small dose and see how it world out for you. Chances are that if the dose still does not give you the desired effect, you can always build a dose up. However, you can’t take away from a dose of edibles you’ve already eaten. We know that the edibles sold here are incredibly delicious, but don’t get carried away! Make sure you know exactly how many you’ve eaten, be it gummies, candies, or brownies.
  1. Give your body some time to react: The reaction time for edibles works a bit differently than the one ingested through the lungs or skin patches. This is because the compounds need to be absorbed by the stomach lining, which infuses CBD into the blood. It may take anywhere between 20-40 minutes for the effects to start working, and if a newbie doesn’t know better, they may eat a lot of it. Make sure to give your body some time for the effects to kick in.
  1. Keep some snacks in stock: Catching a case of munchies is very common when you’ve consumed edibles. Rather than getting hungry and wandering out to buy something to eat, have snacks ready in the pantry within reach. This makes it easy access to grab a bite!
  2. Don’t forget to hydrate: It is highly necessary that you don’t forget to drink lots of water. The feeling of being full after taking edibles and gorging on snacks may have you a bit dehydrated. Make sure to get a cup of water every hour or so.

Now that we’ve run you through our tips regarding edible consumption, we’re certain you’ll do much better this time. If you’re new to the world of edibles, we hope you experience the wonderful healing they can provide!

This is a collaborative post.

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