On Reaching My Scary Age

12th April 2019

In July I will turn 35. To me, 35 sounds so much older than 34, and for a long time, 35 was my scary age. I think it was the creeping closeness to 40 (my REALLY scary age) and that I would no longer be in my early 30’s.


I can remember my mum very clearly at 40, and so to me, that seemed old, and middle-aged, and like a proper adult, of which I don’t yet feel. But maybe I never will.

I know right about now anyone over the age of 35 is hating me, but stick with me.

When I say ‘scary age’ I am talking about the age that sounds old to you and scares you a bit because turning that arbitrary number will make you old.

Age is such a funny thing. Most of us would like to be a bit younger, but I’ve found that the age that you’d like to be changes as you get older. I don’t want to be 18 anymore even though I thought I always would; I don’t even want to be 25 or 29 anymore. It just seems too young now, and I want to be an adult (kind of) with responsibilities and the small amount of knowledge that I’ve acquired.

As I’ve approached certain ages, my ‘scary’ age has gone up. So for a long time, it was 35, mainly because it was that much closer to 40, but now I’m happy and grateful to be turning 35 in a few months, and I’ll be grateful to turn that ancient age of 40 in five years time too. Many people don’t get that chance, and I’m so aware as I get older that ageing is a privilege that we should be so grateful for.

It is hard, especially with social media and these young’uns looking incredible in a tiny bikini on Instagram whilst you (me) sit there with a cup of tea and wrapped in a great big cardy, thinking you really need to remove the thick dark hairs that have sprouted on your chin overnight. It’s hard not to want to look younger and feel younger, and I won’t lie, I would like my wrinkles to have disappeared when I wake up tomorrow, and to not ache so much and struggle to get up if I sit kneeled on the floor for more than five bloody minutes.

But I’m also so, so happy to be getting older. I love life (even when it’s really bloody difficult), I don’t want to be in my twenties again, and now I’m closer to it, 40 isn’t so scary anymore. In fact, I’m quite looking forward to having a big party and hopefully giving less of a shit about what people think about me by then.

I also think it helps having some incredible women that are older than me in the public eye, who yes, have some help and a lot of money to look after themselves with, but who are inspirational, are fit and healthy and who I think are great, at all sorts of ages.

So yes, reaching my scary age of 35? Not so scary after all.

Turning 50 on the other hand – that’s bloody terrifying!

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