Managing Your Tech and I.T as a Blogger

21st February 2020


Blogging is becoming a more and more lucrative career choice. What used to be a highly personal activity that was often classed as a hobby, has now become a potential money-spinner, with people making full-time careers from advertising around their posts. But with newly established careers can come a host of mystery. Many people head into the world of blogging not really understanding everything they need to do to ensure their blog stays up and running (and making cash) at all times. If you’re considering becoming a professional blogger, here are a few areas you need to focus on in terms of managing your tech and IT. You’ll be highly reliant on these things, seeing as your income will be web-based, so it’s important to manage them correctly!


The most important first step you need to take when you become a blogger is to make sure all of your tech is insured.  Chances are that the tech you use is pretty pricey but also pretty delicate. All it could take is dropping something on the floor, spilling a drink over something, or even leaving something in a humid, hot or damp space for your tech to break. Whether that’s a laptop, camera that you take blog pictures on, or your phone that you use to update, manage and respond to comments. This would leave you unable to blog, which could result in your readers floating away and you experiencing financial loss! Tech also tends to be expensive, so can also be prone to theft. If anything does happen to your tech, you want to be able to ensure that it’s replaced as quickly as possible. This is where a good insurance policy comes into play! Consider those with next day replacement options!

IT Support

If your tech goes down, your blog will get into trouble. A lost internet connection, unresponsive laptop, or difficulty with refreshing pages can prevent you from launching your latest post on time, disappointing readers and disrupting their habits of checking in at certain times. An inability to send an email could reduce your chances of getting a collaboration you wanted. A resolve to this is to make sure you have IT support from a company like Support like this can help to fix network and connection issues and any other tech problems that you might face.

Updating Software

Almost all of us have the bad habit of clicking dismiss when we’re reminded to update or renew our software. Avoid doing this. Old software can be more prone to hackers, putting your blogging business at risk. Always take the time to upgrade when it’s offered – especially if it’s free!

These are just a few tips you should keep in mind when it comes to managing your tech and IT as a professional blogger. Never underestimate the importance of these two aspects of your work and make sure to protect yourself from trouble associated with them as best possible!

This is a collaborative post.

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