Innovative Employee Perks That Boost Morale and Skyrocket Retention

26th April 2023

How satisfied are your employees? Your employees are integral to your company’s success, and you need to attract the top-class talent and most educated workers to help you propel your business forward and ensure you remain at the peak of your industry.


But with stats showing that around 33% of the UK workforce are unhappy in their job role, poor working environments and work-life balances being cited as the top reason for people being unhappy at work, how can you go from zero to hero in the eyes of your employees?

Flexible Work Hours and Remote Work Options

The 9-5 traditional workday is fast becoming obsolete for many businesses as they move to meet the demands of the modern world, and they need not be able to appeal to a more diverse workforce.

Flexible working is an attractive proposition for new and existing gm employees as it allows them the opportunity to be able to fit into working arrangements around their life. Employers need to recognise that people have lives outside of work and can accommodate requests for flexible working; in fact, it is a legal requirement for all companies to be able to offer flexible working hours to all employees who have been employed for more than 26 weeks in the UK.

Remote work options are another perk that has gained traction, particularly in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. Allowing employees to work from home or any location of their choice keeps them safe and healthy and reduces the need for a lengthy and stressful commute. This can lead to increased productivity, improved mental health, and a greater sense of autonomy for employees, ultimately translating into higher retention rates for the organisation.

Professional Development and Continued Education Opportunities

Knowledge is power, and it never is this more true when it comes to arming your team with the skills and knowledge they need to do their job role. But not only this, offering professional and even personal development opportunities can help you improve employee satisfaction and show them you care about their growth within the business and how much you value what they do for you.

Providing these resources can lead to increased performance, innovation, and a more competitive edge in the market. You also help develop a more skilled and capable workforce in the process.

Health and Wellness Initiatives

Increased health and wellness are vital to ensuring your employees are well enough to complete their expected duties, and as an employer, being able to support them when they need it can help to set you apart as a good employer.

A healthy workforce is less prone to absenteeism and will be more energised and enthused about coming to work each day and be mentally and physically equipped to handle their day-to-day duties. You can do this by ensuring employees have access to mental health support, access or subsidies, fitness packages or access to workshops that can help them improve their diet and mental health or simply be able to let off some steam and have fun outside of the workplace.

Employee Recognition and Rewards Programs

Everyone likes to be recognised for their efforts at work, and being valued in the workplace is something younger generations place more emphasis on than their older counterparts. If you want to attract and retain only the best workers for your business, you need to be able to offer them a comprehensive perks package. This is a great way to boost morale, increase productivity and reduce turnover while creating a more positive and healthy workplace culture.

Innovative ways to offer perks and reward performance can be via cash bonuses for hitting targets, an EMI scheme offering shares to long-term employees, additional paid time off, gift cards, experiences such as tickets to concerts or sports games, or even having a holiday location they can take advantage of as well as regular treat through the working week such as free lunches, coffee deliveries of cakes being delivered.

All these and more are potent motivators for existing employees to continue performing well and attractive propositions for bringing new talent on board.

Conclusion and Next Steps for Implementing Innovative Employee Perks

The modern workplace is evolving, and so are the expectations of today’s employees. By offering innovative perks that address their workforce’s diverse needs and desires, organisations can create a more engaging, supportive, and enjoyable work environment that promotes employee well-being and satisfaction.

By continually re-evaluating and refining their employee perks offerings, organisations can ensure that they remain competitive in the modern business landscape and continue to attract and retain top talent. With a focus on employee well-being and satisfaction, companies can create a thriving work environment that empowers individuals to achieve their fullest potential, ultimately driving long-term success and growth for the organisation.

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