How to Make Your Mornings a Little Less Stressful

26th September 2022

A productive and peaceful morning is an essential component of having a productive and peaceful day. In concept, it seems to be quite simple. Getting up, taking a refreshing shower, eating breakfast at your own pace, drinking a hot cup of coffee, and reading the morning paper before everyone else gets ready to leave on time, with their lunchboxes and school bags and permission slips for that Washington school trip, and in a calm and happy mood sounds great, doesn’t it? 

The truth, however, is quite different in many homes, particularly those with young children. In this post, we will discuss ways in which you can streamline your morning routine in order to get your day off to a positive start.


Get enough sleep

When you wake up in the morning feeling revitalized and refreshed, it is much simpler to get your daily routine down to a science and follow it exactly as planned. It is suggested that you get between seven and eight hours of sleep each and every night. Make sure you stick to the bedtimes you have set for yourself and schedule them. It is important to refrain from staring at electronic devices for at least one hour before going to bed, and you should also limit your intake of caffeine.

Make your bed

The task is straightforward and should not take more than a minute or two of your time, but it can have a significant impact on whether or not you have a sense of being well-organized as the day progresses. It makes the area look much more organized and feels much more refreshed, which is a bonus on top of the fact that it eliminates the desire to crawl back into it.

Get yourself sorted first

You have probably been exposed to the idiom “put your own mask on first?” at some point in the past. You ought to make this a part of your routine first thing in the morning. It is important to get up early in the morning so that you have time to take a shower, style your hair, apply makeup, or whatever else it is that helps you feel like a human being first thing in the morning. Have some peace and quiet while you eat a nutritious breakfast and sip some coffee, juice, or both. If the weather is nice, you could even do this outside to get a breath of fresh air. After you have completed the task of getting yourself prepared and organized for the day, it will be much simpler for you to complete the task of getting everyone else ready.

Make sure that everything has a home

The search for lost items is one of the activities that takes up the most time in the morning and is also one of the most time-consuming activities overall. It could be that bottle of perfume, that mobile phone, or that set of keys; the possibilities are endless. It is possible that the permission slip for an after-school activity needs to be turned in today. Put everything you will need for the day in a basket that is either by the front door or at the very least somewhere you will stop by on the way to the front door. This will ensure that you do not forget anything. Make it a routine to store things in that area so that you can quickly and easily access the things you need.

Get rid of the screens

When we sit down in the morning to have our coffee or breakfast, many of us use social media as a way to pass the time. Before we know it, it is time to leave the house, and we have not finished all of the tasks that we had planned to do. It would be best if you could refrain from picking up your mobile device until you know for a fact that you have finished all of the activities you assigned to yourself.

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