How to Know if You Have Anxiety and How to Treat it

30th August 2021

“Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” Arthur Somers Roche

Mental illness and health are often used interchangeably. But actually, they are not the same thing. Mental health is a direct concept of physical health, which is referred to as the healthy state of mind. 

As per the Canadian Community of Health Survey, up to 3 million Canadians suffer from either mood swings or anxiety disorders, making their lives miserable. Among these, 93% of people take prescribed medication, whereas 20% rely on psychological counselling to help them manage their anxiety and mood swings disorder effectively. 

Anxiety – A Serious Mental Health Issue 

Everyone experiences some form of anxiety at least once in their lifetime. In fact, it’s a typical response to a stressful life event like – losing someone precious in your life, losing a job or facing financial crises, dealing with an ailment, changing jobs, moving to a new place, and so on. At times, the symptoms of anxiety trigger the situation leading to the worst consequences. The disorder can be debilitating but it is manageable. 

All it requires is understanding the alarming signs at the right stage and overcoming them using effective ways. Let’s begin with discussing the typical symptoms – 

#1 – Unnecessary worrying – NCBI reveals worry as a prominent sign of anxiety. It is the inappropriateness of an event that leaves an impact on the overall response time and type. The excessive worrying sign, if visible for more than six months, should be considered as anxiety. People under 65 are at the highest risk of exposure to anxiety issues. 

#2 – The feeling of agitation – When an individual feels anxious, the nervous system goes on an overdrive. This kicks a cascade of impact in the body. As a result, you may experience – sweaty palms, racing pulse, dry mouth, shaky hands, and so on. These are common signs of social anxiety as well. Your body shunts blood flow far away from the digestive system and towards the muscles in this condition. Eventually, it adds to the increased heart rate putting your heart at risk. 

#3 – Restlessness – The feeling of restlessness displays that you are on the verge of anxiety’s extreme stage. All in all, it is a red flag sign reflecting the need to consult a practitioner as soon as possible. 

#4 – Fatigue – It’s common to experience fatigue after a hectic day. But when it gets regular, you need to keep a check on your anxiety levels. Fatigue can be chronic, leading to other health problems like – muscle tension, insomnia, etc. 

Effective ways to reduce anxiety includes – 

  1. Consume a wholesome nutrient diet.  
  2. Limit your caffeine intake. 
  3. Quit smoking. 
  4. Include exercising in your regime. 
  5. Practice yoga daily. 
  6. If nothing helps, consult a professional consultant for anxiety. 
  7. Undergo medication or treatment. 

Anxiety is a mental health disorder characterized by its symptoms. It’s common to experience worrying, fatigue, and excessive irritability when suffering from anxiety. Additionally, recurring panic attacks, fearing over social phobias can indicate social anxiety. You require consulting a professional in such circumstances.  

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