How to Keep Your Dog Happy and Healthy

17th April 2024

There’s nothing like owning a dog – as they say, they’re man’s best friend. Whether you have always been a dog person or you’re just getting your first pup, you want to take as good care of them as possible. A dog is so much more than a pet, they’re an extension of your family, and there is no love quite like it.

In this article, we look at some top tips for keeping your dog happy and healthy. From the food they eat to extra things you can do to ensure they’re in the best possible shape, keep reading to find out just what you can do. 


Read up on the particular dog breed you have

Every dog is different any needs different things to thrive. Because of this, even if you’ve always had dogs, you want to make sure you research the specific breed and type of dog you have as much as possible. The amount they can differ from each other can really vary and you want to give them as much as you can. Look online at various resources, or check out things such as blogs, books, social media and forums.

Ensure your pup has the correct nutrition

As mentioned above, each dog is different, and so they might require different amounts of food or different types of food. This can become easier once you get to know your dog and the food they like, but there are things you can do to help them out, too. You can look into the health benefits of cbd oil for dogs, for example. If they have ailments or illnesses such as pain, joint issues, inflammation, and anxiety, this can really help them get through it and become healthier.

Take them on plenty of walks and provide enough for them to play with

Just as we would get bored without stimulation, dogs require plenty of it. Take them on walks every day where they can run about, stretch their legs and interact with nature. Let them smell the different scents, go in the sea if you’re near the coast, or run through the grass. Provide them with toys they can play with, such as a ball they can fetch and other toys like tug toys, and ensure they’re stimulated enough. These are all important for their development and for them to be as happy and healthy as they can.

These are just a few top tips for keeping your dog happy and healthy. Owning a pet is one of the best things you’ll ever do, so you want to make sure you do it right. From long-term pet owners to those who have had their furry friends for a short amount of time, there are always things you can do to help them be happier and healthier. What are some top tips you have for keeping your dog happy and healthy? Let us know in the comments below; we’d love to hear from you.

This is a collaborative post.

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