Famous Veterinarians & Animal Lovers that Help Pups Reach Their Pawtential

13th September 2021

Although their source of inspiration may vary, many potential veterinarians are driven by the dedication and contributions of those that have come before them.

If you’re thinking about becoming a vet or perhaps already studying to become one, then you might be interested to read about how some famous vets contributed to the health and care of these waggy tails.

Learning about other inspiring people will most likely validate your decision to choose this noble career path and encourage you to make the best efforts. 

Veterinary medicine would not be what it is today without the contributions of Dr Claude Bourgelat. As per reports by The American Medical Association (AVMA), Bourgelat founded the first veterinary school in Lyons, France. 

Dr Bourgelat initially planned on pursuing a law career, but nothing could shake his love for horses. And, thus he began studies with two surgeons, learning about physiology, animal pathology, and anatomy. Eventually, he formulated plans to open a veterinary school when he realised that no degree could actually prepare him for practising veterinary medicine. 

His primary focus was to prevent livestock disease, and that’s how he was motivated to establish vet schools. 

He is famous as one of the most compassionate veterinarians. Lloyd opened up his home for all sorts of creatures during the Second World War when families were forced to leave behind their pets as they evacuated. 

And, that’s when Lloyd-Jones purchased an estate for all of them. His veterinary practice was highly successful at that time. The main focus of Dr Lloyd-Jones was trying to find natural remedies. After witnessing how animals sought relief against certain plants, he founded Denes Natural Pet Care to make high-quality foods and herbal products more available. 

There aren’t too many things that Dr Mary Knight hasn’t accomplished during her career. She successfully ran a house call practice, cared for animals at a zoo, worked for the toxicology department, and authored several publications. 

One of the most lasting contributions of Mary was founding the Women’s Veterinary Association. The primary intent of the organisation was to create a supportive and collaborative environment for women veterinarians. 

Although the organisation doesn’t exist in the same capacity, a new foundation provides scholarships to deserving students. 

How to Deal with Animals Safely?

Hopefully, these three success stories were capable of validating your decision of choosing this noble profession. However, in addition to your love for animals, knowing some general safe practices while dealing with animals is vital. Some of these are:

  1. Approach animals with caution
  2. Stay alert at all times
  3. Study the behaviour of different species
  4. Invest in disability insurance for veterinarians to protect your health and income
  5. Take steps to minimise any allergic reactions
  6. Dispose of medical waste safely

Conclusion – Follow the Lead of Famous Vets

All these famous vets deserve a lot of thanks due to their contributions to improving animal care. If their efforts have inspired you, then follow their lead and take your love for animals to the next level by studying to become a vet.

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