Creating an Office Space Your Employees Will Love

13th February 2019

For your employees, the office space is an environment that most will spend more time in that they actually do in their own property. So for that reason, you want it to be a comfortable and welcoming space that encourages productivity and boosts the mood of your staff. So here’s how to create an office space your employees will love.

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Experiment With Colour

Did you know that different colours emote different feelings? For example, blue is an intellectual colour that helps for an environment that requires focus and mental strain on the body. Yellow can be good for stimulating positive vibes, creativity and happiness. So experiment with colour and consider giving your interior office design a refresh whenever its possible for the budget. Get some input from your colleagues on what colours they’d like to see incorporated around the office. Don’t forget to tailor it to your brand’s colour scheme though.

Let The Natural Light In

Lighting also makes an impression on our mood and the atmosphere in the room. You wouldn’t want to walk into a poorly light office space with no windows to work in all day. If you have existing windows, try and keep it clear so that it lets in all the natural light. It’s certainly worth replacing them for bigger windows if you have the budget available to do so. If your office, unfortunately, suffers from a lack of sunlight hitting the office, then there’s always the option to buy lighting that helps mimic natural daylight. Try and avoid harsh white lights in general when it comes to lighting the office as that can be quite harsh and clinical.

Add A Suggestion Box

A suggestion box is always handy for those who may have something they want to recommend but would rather ask for it anonymously. It’s a great way of feeling the honest thoughts of your staff and what they enjoy about the space and what they’d benefit from to make their working experience better. This is something you could place in reception so that everyone can have access to it, perhaps even your guests!

Have A Proper Breakout Space

A lot more workers are now eating their lunch at the desk, rather than taking their break away from the working area. So it’s important to set an example and encourage employees to take their full lunch break. Make a proper breakout space available to your staff so that there is somewhere to go that is a ‘work-free zone’. Think about what you could add to this space, perhaps a ping pong table or a communal bar where social events for the workplace could be held. This would certainly help boost work relationships if there’s a space for networking and socialising.

There is plenty of things you could be doing to help boost the happiness of staff within the workplace. Ask for their advice and make your employees a priority because after all, they are the cogs that keep the wheels of your business turning.

This is a collaborative post.

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