How to Create Ecological Harmony to Your Garden

27th October 2017

Ecological gardening requires gardeners to improve and maintain a landscape in an environmentally-friendly manner. This means using no toxic chemicals and eliminating waste, so you can create a better and safer environment for the whole family. Find out how to create ecological harmony within your garden.

Organic Materials for Soil

The soil is the foundation of your garden, which is why you must show it some TLC each season. You can improve your soil by using organic materials, such as kitchen scraps or composted manure, which will ensure it gets off to a healthy start. As a result, the soil will be nutrient rich for plants, which aids the plants’ absorption of essential minerals, whilst reducing the need for commercial fertilisers.

Natural Fertiliser

Allow Mother Nature to flourish by incorporating natural fertilisers into your beautiful garden. For example, you will need worm excrement or urine, eggshells, blood meal and Epsom salts to provide plants with vital vitamins and minerals. So, avoid the commercial stuff and focus on including all-natural sources into your soil.

Pond Filters

Invest in a pond filter or pump to ensure ecological balance within your garden, as they can successfully remove dirt, debris and algae growth. As a result, it can improve the water quality of an ornamental, fish or Koi pond, as it can breakdown harmful nutrients within the water. Learn more about the best filters at Water Garden.

Insect Repelling Plants

The plants you choose can determine the insects in your garden. You should therefore take time to learn about the different plants that repel insects, and the ones that attract them. You should also find out the types of plants that bugs like to eat. For instance, ladybirds are a natural pest control, as they can eat aphids, which destroy most plants.

Planting Layout

Be careful how you space your plants, as it could determine the soil’s quality and weed growth. For instance, aim to keep your plants close together to shade the surrounding ground, which will help soil to retain water whilst reducing the growth of weeds. However, don’t plant them too close together as they can encourage disease and fungus.

Water Conservation

Those passionate about ecological gardening should aim to conserve as much water as possible. To do so, try to both capture and store as much rain as you can, utilise mulch and always use the drips of water remaining in a hose. Avoid sprinklers because they can lose a considerable amount of water to evaporation.

Weed Removal

Always aim to remove harmful weeds by hand, and try not to use any chemicals, which can add harmful toxins into the ground. So, put on a pair of gardening gloves and grab your trowel to dig deep and remove those pesky weeds. Your garden will flourish without having to damage the environment.

Do you have any handy tips for ecological gardening? Please feel free to share your advice and gardening stories in the below comment section.

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