ADHD in Women: Here’s Everything You Should Know

26th November 2021

Despite regular awareness campaigns, mental health still remains a subject that isn’t talked about enough or treated as a real medical condition that requires treatment just as a physical issue would. This is especially true for women for certain mental health conditions.

According to a recent survey, nearly 29 million American women (which makes up to 23% of the female population) are dealing with diagnosable mental health issues. 

These mental disorders involve anxiety, depression, PTSD, and eating disorders. But there is one that often takes up the back seat when it comes to mental health. And that’s ADHD or Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. 

The symptoms of ADHD, such as inattentiveness and impulsivity, are often seen in children. But research shows that even adults can also show ADHD symptoms such as having trouble concentrating, managing time, holding down a task, and not being able to stay organised. 

So, in this article, we are going to talk about ADHD in women, how they can get diagnosed, symptoms, and coping strategies. 

Read on to learn more about how ADHD affects women and things they can do to keep the symptoms at bay. 

You’ll be surprised to know that the vast majority of women don’t get diagnosed with ADHD until their adulthood.

And one of the major reasons for this is because people are often under the impression that ADHD is a disorder involving hyperactive school kids. Clearly, that’s a myth. 

In fact, according to a recent review, women, and girls often have to go through certain obstacles when it comes to diagnosing ADHD. Some of them are mentioned below. 

Not only this, family members and friends also end up overlooking their symptoms. This, in turn, makes it unlikely to even refer them for diagnosis.

With other symptoms such as mood swings and irritability, they get diagnosed with anxiety and depression way before they even consider being evaluated for ADHD. 

For instance, some try to overcompensate by making various lists that play an important role in staying organized. 

Such obstacles can cause the psychological experts to miss out on your mental conditions. 

Thus, if you feel that you have an unusual amount of energy levels as compared to your peers or often get accused of talking constantly, it is better to seek professional help before it gets too late. 

The good news is that there are several things that can make it easier for you to cope with ADHD symptoms without any hassle. 

But before we start listing the coping strategies, your first step towards it would be to get diagnosed so that you can feel positive about yourself. Obviously, you can’t treat something without knowing its root cause. 

Once you are done with that, you can discuss your remedies with your healthcare provider. 

Without any further ado, let’s get straight to what can help you cope with ADHD symptoms. 

 One thing people with ADHD have to deal with is having trouble managing their unusual energy. This is why they are often restless. That makes it really important for such people to learn how to channel their energy the right way. 

For this, they can keep up with your regular exercise schedule so that your energy levels can get redirected in the right direction. 

In fact, according to a recent study, the use of cannabis has also delivered interesting results. Data shows that more than 2,811 found it easier to deal with their ADHD symptoms with the help of CBD. 

Thus, if you are also looking forward to the same results, all you need to do is look for a CBDistillery coupon code, and you’ll be good to go. Eventually, you should hopefully notice a reduction in anxiety and depression levels as well. 

Not being able to manage time is one of the most common symptoms amongst ADHD women. Your inability to focus and getting distracted way too easily can make you lose track of time. This, in turn, will make it difficult for you to follow through with all your plans. 

Not only this, due to this, you may even start hyper-focusing way too much on a particular task. And none of that will help you get things done efficiently. For this, you can start focusing on how to stay organized. Try making a schedule and make sure you stick to it no matter what. Having a game plan before starting out with something can help you feel relaxed and calmer

Use timers so that you can spend an adequate amount of time on a particular task without falling behind with another one. It will signal you to stop and prevent you from losing track of time. 

It has been found that many people get distracted while working because they want things to be done in a certain manner, due to which they start focusing all their attention on even the minute details. 

And that can make it tough for you to complete your tasks on time. For instance, you might spend hours looking for the perfect background of the presentation, which is due the next day. 

Even if you’ve set impossibly high standards for yourself, make sure you go easy on yourself and realize that it is okay to pay less attention to things that are not that important. 

ADHD is something most people end up ignoring and can lead to other mental disorders in adulthood. The earlier you learn how to deal with it, the better it would be for you to manage and help keep those symptoms at bay. 

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