5 Proven Beauty Hacks to Look Naturally Radiant This Winter

23rd October 2020

While every woman wants to accomplish a dewy, hydrated glow, it is easier said than done. It becomes a tad more challenging in the winter season as the cold, dry air works against you. Not only does dry air take away the natural moisture from your skin, but you also need to keep it safe from the artificial heat from the heaters that run incessantly. Despite the challenges, you can go the extra mile with winter skincare to retain its suppleness and glow. The best part is that you need not spend a fortune on expensive products and treatments. Just following these proven beauty hacks is enough to look naturally radiant this winter.


Use a humidifier

Your skin is most likely to suffer in the winter because the air inside is super dry. Moreover, it is something that your skin has to bear every moment, even when you are sleeping. You can easily resolve the concern by having a humidifier in your bedroom, where you spend your sleeping hours. It puts moisture back into the air, so your skin wouldn’t dry up through the night, and you wake up radiant every morning.

Ditch the hot showers

A hot shower sounds tempting when temperatures outside drop to sub-zero levels, but they aren’t really great for your skin. Piping hot water strips off the natural moisture and leaves it dry and flaky, which is the last thing you would want to happen in the cold, dry weather. Dermatologists recommend taking lukewarm showers instead of running the water at super-high temperatures. The application of coconut oil after every shower would help. 

Invest in a good skincare routine

While you may be already investing in a good skincare routine, it makes sense to go the extra mile with cleansing, toning, and moisturizing this season. Investing in natural products like rose water face mist and essential oil-based moisturizers is a great idea. Apart from using the right skincare products, stick to cosmetics that have hydrating ingredients. Read the labels carefully and avoid anything laced with chemicals because they always do more harm than good. 

Keep up with your SPF

Even if you cannot see the sun on most days, it is still in action. You cannot afford to skimp with sun protection every time you step out, just like in hot summers. No matter how cold and cloud it is, make sure that you wear your sun protection when going outdoors. The UV rays can damage your skin, so continue protecting it throughout the year. Look for a product that doubles up as a moisturizer as well.

Make an extra effort to stay hydrated

Summer or winter, good hydration is the key to supple, healthy, and glowing skin. While you may feel less thirsty in the colder months, make conscious efforts to drink water, and stay hydrated to prevent dryness and flakiness. Follow the eight to ten glasses a day formula, and you will be able to retain the glow through the dry weather.

There isn’t much that goes into natural winter care for your skin but following these tips can make all the difference. Just embrace them as a habit, and you can keep looking gorgeous and glowing through the season.

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