5 Mistakes to Avoid When Planning a Wedding

25th April 2024

Planning any event can be stressful at the best of times, especially something as important as a wedding. There is so much to arrange, and with that in mind, here are a few common mistakes to avoid when organising a wedding.

clear wine glass lot on table

Spending more than you can afford

The cost of getting married can be very high, and let’s not forget the honeymoon, not to mention the downpayment on the family home! Sit down with your partner and decide on a budget for the wedding, which should be your benchmark. Do what you have to in order to stay within your budget; it’s as simple as that! If guests have to pay for their drinks towards the end of the night, that is fine; indeed, missing the free drink train altogether is acceptable; people understand and are quite happy to pay for their drinks.

Asking a friend to be the photographer

This is never a good idea; for a start, you are putting a lot of pressure on a friend, and though they might appear enthusiastic, you are taking a big chance. You only get one bite of the apple when it comes to recording that magical day; hire a wedding videographer to produce a DVD that you can both watch in years to come. Sure, it might work out fine, but be warned, you could end up with inferior images!

Not looking your best

You might have a suit in the wardrobe that you think is fine, yet it doesn’t fit as it should, and with made-to-measure wedding suits from an established Melbourne tailor, you can look your very best on this most special day! New shoes should be worn in before the big day to avoid blisters.

Hiring the wrong venue

It does happen; make sure the venue has all the amenities you need; a top-rated resort that specialises in hosting weddings is a sure thing, and they can quote you an all-inclusive price. Some venues can offer a garden party, with marquee tents and a dance floor and if it rains, you can move the party into one of their banquet halls. It makes sense to visit every venue on your shortlist, only then can you make an informed decision.

Failing to prepare for overnight guests

Of course, you want the party to rock and don’t be surprised when a number of guests prefer to stay overnight, rather than driving home. The penalties for DUI are severe and if a guest has had one too many, they should sleep it off in a hotel room.

    It can be very stressful to arrange a wedding, and the secret is to find a venue that has everything you need. Such a venue would have event managers who manage things, so you don’t have to.

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