3 Ideas That Will Cure Boredom During Lockdown

7th April 2020

Like many others, you’re sat at home with hardly anything to do. It’s crazy how much free time you have when you’re not allowed to go out anywhere. Even stay-at-home mums find themselves with more time than they’re used to!

Naturally, boredom makes this lockdown worse than it should. Not to mention the fact that the weather decided to finally pick up after weeks of rain and storms. If you’ve had enough fun with your prank call app, then here are some other ideas to help you cure boredom in isolation.


Tend to your garden

Gardening is genuinely the best thing to take up during this period. To start, it cures boredom as there are so many things you can do. Create a vibrant flowerbed, plant a Yew hedge, mow your lawn, trim the bushes, de-weed your patio – the list is endless. The great thing about ignoring all the usual garden maintenance tasks in the past is that you have loads of things to occupy your time now. Plus, tending to your garden gives you an excuse to go outside and get some much-needed vitamin D from the sun. You enjoy the weather, and you pass the time. 


Start an exercise routine

One of the worst aspects of isolation is that you’re confined to your home with loads of food. As such, you barely have a chance to walk around and be active. But, you can change this by starting an exercise routine. There are loads of home workout plans online that you can follow along every day. It will give you an hour or so of time to spend working out and staying healthy. Also, take advantage of your one walk a day to go out and have a run or a jog. Be sure to practice social distancing at all times during your outdoor walks or exercise. If you feel like your area is too crowded, then stay inside and stick to the home workouts instead. Exercising will cure your boredom and also helps you stay physically and mentally healthy. 

Learn a new language

What better way to occupy your free time than by learning a new language. The beauty of this is that you will learn something new, and you can do it whenever you have a few minutes to spare. There are lots of excellent language apps to download on your phone that provide you with loads of great lessons. Make it your mission to practice for a certain amount of time per day, and you’ll be amazed at how much progress you make. Who knows, by the time all of this is over, your language skills may be put to good use on a family holiday!

With these three ideas, you will start using up some of the spare time on your hands. Hopefully, it means that you aren’t lying around with nothing to do for hours a day. That’s the key to making it through this; pass the time as quickly as you can by finding different things to do. Stay home, stay sane, and we can all get through this together. 

This is a collaborative post.

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